We keep a US mailbox in Port Huron, Michigan in order to supply our customers with economical parts through US shipping. When we order your parts through our US mailbox, we save you money with brokerage, duty, and shipping. The reason we have this US mailbox is so that we can bring your parts into Canada faster and with less cost to you. We have many parts sources in the US, especially the major OEM suppliers that are completely separate from the Canadian OEM market. Most dealerships will only repair motorcycles up to 10 years old, but with this service we can find parts for almost any motorcycle of any age. Shipping to a US mailbox offers a huge savings versus shipping directly into Canada. For example, a shift fork for a CBR 600 was not available in Canada for over 2 months. We ordered it from one of our parts suppliers in the US, and received it in less than 1 week.